Posted by : Gaj Sunday, July 7, 2013

Objects refers to anything that can be placed in your restaurant. They are broken down into three categories; Environmental, Interior and Décor. A good combination of all three of these types of objects is necessary in order to achieve a 5★ ranking, as well as maximising the profit of your restaurant.

Environmental objects are the key facilities that are necessary to run your restaurant. The objects under this menu are essential to your success, and you utilise them as much as possible.
When an object is referred to as a Wall type object, this means that it is able to be walked past by customers, and does not impede the pathway as long as it is aligned correctly. A Tile object cannot be passed by any means.

NameBuild CostTypeSizeAppealQualityMaint.EffectBase PopularityUnlock Condition
回転レーン (Conveyor Belt)¥10,000Wall1×1210¥200Customers Eat Here++++++Initially Available
撒去 (Remove)------Remove ObjectsInitially Available
リニアモーターレーン (Linear Motor Belt)¥15,000Wall1×1815¥500Customers Eat Here++++Complete Linear Motion Belt Consulting
配置替え (Move Objects)¥5,000-----Move ObjectsWin 校内寿司コンクール (School Sushi Contest)
水流レーン (Water Lane)¥15,000Wall1×13045¥500Customers Eat Here+++++++++++++++++Complete Water Lane Consulting
調理場 (Prep Station)¥15,000Tile1×1--¥800Staff Prepare Sushi HereInitially Available
つけ広場 (Credit Plaza)¥25,000Tile2×1--¥1,600Staff Prepare Sushi HereReach 3★ Rank
開発室 (Test Kitchen)¥25,000Tile1×1--¥1,200Staff Create New Sushi HereReach Y1 M6
待ち席 (Waiting Area)¥5,000Wall1×1--¥1,600Customers Wait HereReach 2★ Rank
受付 (Register)¥12,000Tile2×1--¥400Customers Pay HereInitially Available
玄関 (Entranceway)¥40,000-2×1---Customers Enter HereComplete Architect Entranceway Consulting

Interior objects are the facilities that are used to generate Sushi Coins and boost the appetite of your customers. They are essential to developing your restaurant, as customers with higher appetite tend to eat more sushi in a single visit, and having large amounts of Sushi Coins at your disposal will allow you to develop better sushi and train staff faster.
When an object is referred to as a Wall type object, this means that it is able to be walked past by customers, and does not impede the pathway as long as it is aligned correctly. A Tile object cannot be passed by any means.

NameBuild CostTypeSizeAppealQualityPriceMaint.EffectBase PopularityUnlock Condition
カプセルマシン (Capsule Machine)¥30,000Wall1×138¥800¥800Generates SushI Coins+++-++-Initially Available
自販機 (Vending Machine)¥10,000Wall1×1310¥1,100¥1,200Increases Customer Appetite+++-++-Initially Available
ピンボール (Pinball Machine)¥30,000Tile1×1812¥1,600¥1,600Increases Customer Appetite+++++++Buy from Pumpkin P. in Y1 M12
さかな資料館 (Fish Library)¥50,000Tile1×1106¥300¥800Generates Sushi Coins++++++++Initially Available
活け花コーナー (Flower Arrangement Corner)¥30,000Tile1×12010¥800¥800Generates Sushi Coins--++++++Complete Flower Arrangement Corner Consulting
碁会所 (Commercial Parlor)¥30,000Tile1×1920¥1,400¥800Generates Sushi Coins-++++++-Win スガモ寿司コンクール (Sugamo Sushi Contest)
釣り堀 (Fishing Pond)¥100,000Tile2×11535¥1,300¥1,600Increases Customer Appetite+++++++++Complete Fishing Pond Consulting
サラダバー (Salad Bar)¥30,000Tile1×158¥2,500¥800Increases Customer Appetite++++++Initially Available
おもちゃ売場 (Toy Counter)¥30,000Tile1×11210¥3,300¥800Generates Sushi Coins+++++++++Buy from Pumpkin P. in Y1 M10
ふれあい広場 (Petting Zoo)¥30,000Tile1×12518¥500¥800Generates Sushi Coins++++++++Complete Petting Zoo Consulting
腕相撲マシン (Arm Wrestling Machine)¥30,000Tile1×1515¥1,800¥1,760Increases Customer Appetite++++++-+--Complete Arm Wrestling Machine Consulting
プリントマシン (Print Machine)¥50,000Tile1×1412¥2,100¥2,800Generates Sushi Coins+--++++++Complete Print Machine Consulting
ランニングジム (Treadmill)¥30,000Tile1×138¥1,200¥800Increases Customer Appetite+++++-+++-Reach 1★ Rank
皿回しコーナー (Plate Spinning Corner)¥30,000Tile1×11015¥2,400¥800Increases Customer Appetite+++++++-Complete Plate Spinning Corner Consulting
ツッパリコーナー (Sparring Corner)¥200,000Tile2×21540¥2,300¥4,000Increases Customer Appetite++++--Reach 5★ Rank
折詰コーナー (Food Corner)¥50,000Wall1×11012¥1,800¥1,200Increases Customer Appetite++++++++Complete Food Corner Consulting
ATMfont>¥100,000Wall1×1---¥800Customers Withdraw Money HereComplete ATM Lease Agreement Consulting

Decor objects are used to boost the Appeal of all surrounding facilties, which in turn makes them more popular to your customers. They are essential to developing your restaurant, as customers facilities with high Appeal will gain bonus Price and Quality stats when items are used on them, reducing your overall costs for item expenditure.
When an object is referred to as a Wall type object, this means that it is able to be walked past by customers, and does not impede the pathway as long as it is aligned correctly. A Tile object cannot be passed by any means.

NameBuild CostTypeSizeAppealMaint.EffectUnlock Condition
観葉植物 (Leafy Plant)¥10,000Wall1×1+2-N/AInitially Available
笹の垣根 (Bamboo Fence)¥18,000Wall1×1+6-N/AInitially Available
バラ (Roses)¥15,000Wall1×1+5-N/AComplete Roses Consulting
灯篭 (Latern)¥22,000Wall1×1+9-N/AComplete Latern Consulting
ヤシの木 (Palm Tree)¥25,000Tile1×1+12-N/APurchase from Pumpkin P. in Y3 M3
竹 (Bamboo)¥30,000Tile1×1+14-Blooms in M7Complete Bamboo Consulting
モミの木 (Fir Tree)¥40,000Tile1×1+20-Becomes Decorated in M12Complete Fir Tree Consulting
盆栽 (Bonsai)¥35,000Tile1×1+15-Blooms in SpringComplete Bonsai Consulting
招き猫 (Lucky Cat)¥40,000Tile1×1+5-Boosts Store Popularity by 10Complete Lucky Cat Consulting
だるま(Daruma)¥45,000Tile1×1+18-N/AComplete Daruma Consulting
招きカイロくん (Kairo Statue)¥5,000Tile1×1+1¥2,000Boosts Store Popularity by 50Win 天下一カイロ杯 (Peerless Kairo Cup)
宝船 (Treasure Ship)¥50,000Tile1×1+24-N/AComplete Treasure Ship Consulting
水槽 (Aquarium)¥10,000Tile2×1+40-N/AWin 国際寿司コンクール (International Sushi Contest)

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