Posted by : Gaj Friday, July 12, 2013

4 types of forces/units are part of your army (when you start fighting for the shogunate, not before) in Ninja Village. These are Archers, Gunners, Infantry and Cavalry. All these forces need to be unlocked by defeating hostile clans in the map. Check out below how each force works;

Gunners: these are the first troops to attack in any given round, if available. They are the ones that have the best damage output of all ranks, but cannot aim shoots at any specific group. Their defense is the weakest and they are placed behind the infantry, which leaves some chances of surviving the first round and attack again.

Archers: archers are the second rank to attack and can choose which group to attack. Although they are not strong and their defense is average, they are placed behind gunners, which gives a second layer of protection when attacked.

Infantry: the third group to attack. This rank is always the one that gets hit the most, so they both work as spear and shield, protecting other units behind them. This is why the biggest proportion of your army should be composed of Infantry, they are the less expensive to upgrade as well.

Cavalry: They are the last to attack, and deal more damage when there’s no cavalry on the other side. They deal less damage than gunners but more than infantry.

Upgrading Forces
You can increase your forces, whether they are cavalry, archers, gunners or infantry, by heading to Menu >> Forces >> Raise Troops.

Villager Battle Formation
There are important things you need to know if you are new to the game. The unit ranks WILL NOT appear in the formation screen until they are unlocked, that means that Villagers won’t get assigned to ranks/types that do not exist just yet. Secondly, how do you assign a villager to a certain rank?. Weapons are what determine where the villager go, NOT skills.

After reading the note above, you should carefully read the list below and see which rank is better both for your villager stats and skills, if they match, then that’s the place in the formation for your character, after that, choose your weapon accordingly.

Name Final Skill Best Rank For Skill Main Stat Best Rank For Stat
MarukomeStrong BackWorkerWorkWorker
EnokidaDefense Up 3Infantry/CavalryHPInfantry/Cavalry
InuzukaProjectileproofInfantry/GunnerMarksmanship (Mrk)Archer/Gunner
JonChain Attack 4InfantryHP /Strength (Str)Infantry/Cavalry
ShakujiiArrow Resist 4GunnerMarksmanship (Mrk)Archer/Gunner
AsaryuStrategy 4All RanksHP /Strength (Str)Infantry/Cavalry
TagawaDefense Up 3Infantry/CavalryWorkWorker
AnzuameMelee Resist 3InfantryWorkWorker
YokoyamaStrong BackWorkerWorkWorker
JingujiBullet Resist 3InfantryWorkWorker
MomokawaDefense Up 3Infantry/CavalryWorkWorker
OnigawaraArrow Resist 3GunnerWorkWorker
AnmitsuAttack Up 3All RanksWorkWorker
SasakamaStrategy 3All RanksWorkWorker
YotoeStrong BackWorkerWorkWorker
KarasuyamaHorse Resist 4CavalryWorkWorker
FukuyoRapid Shot 3Archer/GunnerWorkWorker
NakanoChain Attack 4InfantryWorkWorker
ManpukuDefense Up 3Infantry/CavalryHPInfantry
EdajimaHorse Resist 3CavalryHP /Strength (Str)Infantry/Cavalry
NinoudeDefense Up 3Infantry/CavalryHP /Strength (Str)Infantry/Cavalry
MomiageBullet Resist 3InfantryHP /Strength (Str)Infantry/Cavalry
HayashiArrow Resist 3GunnerMarksmanship (Mrk)Archer/Gunner
ShimazuMelee Resist 4InfantryHP /Strength (Str)Infantry/Cavalry
KimuraStrategy 4All RanksWorkWorker
GalapagosBullet Resist 4InfantryMarksmanship (Mrk)Archer/Gunner
ShalalaHorse Resist 4CavalryHP /Strength (Str)Infantry/Cavalry
DorifuRapid Shot 3Archer/GunnerMarksmanship (Mrk)Archer/Gunner
HarukazeDefense Up 3Infantry/CavalryMarksmanship (Mrk)Archer/Gunner
KomoriBullet Resist 3InfantryMarksmanship (Mrk)Archer/Gunner
AkagawaRapid Shot 3Archer/GunnerMarksmanship (Mrk)Archer/Gunner
IshikawaArrow Resist 3GunnerMarksmanship (Mrk)Archer/Gunner
OshiyamaRapid Shot 3Archer/GunnerMarksmanship (Mrk)Archer/Gunner
IgaMelee Resist 3InfantryMarksmanship (Mrk)Archer/Gunner
ShishimaruStrategy 4All RanksMarksmanship (Mrk)Archer/Gunner
KongoAttack Up 4All RanksMarksmanship (Mrk)Archer/Gunner
KamitsumichiHorse Resist 3CavalryHP /Strength (Str)Infantry/Cavalry
MogamiAttack Up 3All RanksHP /Strength (Str)Infantry/Cavalry
TakenagaChain Attack 3InfantryHP /Strength (Str)Infantry/Cavalry
ShiokazeDefense Up 3Infantry/CavalryHP /Strength (Str)Infantry/Cavalry
IshidaBullet Resist 3InfantryHP /Strength (Str)Infantry/Cavalry
DateChain Attack 3InfantryHP /Strength (Str)Infantry/Cavalry
OdaStrategy 3All RanksHP /Strength (Str)Infantry/Cavalry
ToyotomiAttack Up 4All RanksHP /Strength (Str)Infantry/Cavalry
MiyamotoChain Attack 4InfantryHP /Strength (Str)Infantry/Cavalry
BearingtonStrategy 5All RanksHP /Strength (Str)Infantry/Cavalry
Chimpan ZHorse Resist 5CavalryMarksmanship (Mrk)Archer/Gunner

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