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[Hot Springs Story] Items

By : Gaj

All items will increase in price every time you purchase one. This includes all decorations which are bought through the store.

Consumable Items:
Item Base Cost How to Unlock Effect Best Used On
Iced Tea¥4,400Initially AvailableBoosts facility popularity and priceVending Machines
Green Tea¥5,000Initially AvailableBoosts facility popularity and priceVending Machines
Milk¥6,200Complete the Pasture InvestmentBoosts facility popularity and priceRestaurants & Vending Machines
Honey¥6,800Complete the Garden InvestmentBoosts facility popularity and priceRestaurants
Seaweed¥5,600Initially AvailableBoosts facility popularity and priceRestaurants
Mushrooms¥7,400Complete the Hiking Course InvestmentBoosts facility popularity and priceRestaurants
Flower Poster¥10,000Complete the Design Studio InvestmentBoosts facility popularity and priceWestern Rooms & Restaurants
Comic Books¥14,000Complete the Art Colony InvestmentBoosts facility popularity and priceReading Rooms & Souvenir Stands
Price Seed¥40,000Appears from Y2 M4Boosts facility priceRooms (Western/Tatami) and Baths
Popularity Seed¥30,000Appears from Y2 M7Boosts facility popularityRooms (Western/Tatami) and Baths
Glamour SeedN/ARank 1 in Glamour Springs Guidebook (1 Only)Boosts compatability for females by +1 heartsBaths (W) & Large Baths (W)
Fame SeedN/ARank 1 in Top 100 Springs Guidebook (1 Only)Boosts bath effectsBaths & Large Baths
Gourmet SeedN/ARank 1 in Gourmet Springs Guidebook (1 Only)Boosts Restaurant price by +¥600 and popularity by +30Restaurants
Relaxation SeedN/ARank 1 in Relaxing Springs Guidebook (1 Only)Boosts facility base sceneryRooms and Baths

* Mushrooms have a negative effect on the Western & Tatami Rooms!
* Honey has a negative effect on baths!
* The Fame Seed will add one level of Jacuzzi, Spa and either Silfound hereky Smooth/Springerade depending if it is used on Bath (W) or Bath (M)!
* Milk will add one level of Silky Smooth if used on a bath (W), applies for Large Bath (W) as well.
* The Relaxation Seed will add a different amount of scenery depending on the type of facility it is being used on.

Land Deeds:
Item Cost How to Unlock Land Received
Land Deed I¥20,000Appears in Y2 M3Adds +1 Rows to the Top and +2 Columns to the Left
Land Deed II¥400,000Appears after Land Deed I is purchasedAdds +2 Rows to the Top and +2 Columns to the Left
Land Deed III¥500,000Appears after Land Deed II is purchasedAdds +1 Rows to the Top and +3 Columns to the Left
Land Deed IV¥1,500,000Appears after Land Deed III is purchasedAdds +3 Rows to the Top and +1 Columns to the Left
Land Deed V¥2,500,000Appears after Land Deed IV is purchasedAdds +4 Rows to the Top and +0 Columns to the Left

[Hot Springs Story] Investments

By : Gaj

Investment Targets:
InvestmentCostHow to UnlockTarget Unlocked
Acting School¥380,000Nurse target Pop = 30Actress
Airport¥420,000Trader target Pop = 30Nobleman
Art Colony¥160,000Illustrator target Pop = 30Cartoonist + Comic Book Item
Art Gallery¥360,000G. Manager target Pop = 30Painter
Big Hospital¥340,000Announcer target Pop = 30Nurse
Botanical Garden¥160,000Biz-man and Biz-woman target Pop = 30Young Couple + Azalea Decoration
Career Change¥480,000COO target Pop = 30Governor
Ceremony¥700,000All target Pop = 40Rich Couple
Church¥200,000Yng Couple target Pop = 30Young Family
Comedy Jam¥320,000Landlord target Pop = 30Comedian
Concert Hall¥240,000TV Host target Pop = 30Pianist
Convention Centre¥180,000Cartoonist target Pop = 30Booth Babe
Design Studio¥130,000Biz-woman target Pop = 50 + Garden Investment completeIllustrator + Flower Poster Item
Develop Resort¥520,000Chairprsn target Pop = 30Noblewoman
Electioneering¥580,000Rich Missus target Pop = 30First Lady
Famous College¥460,000Actress target Pop = 30Chairperson
Fashion Show¥290,000Booth Babe target Pop = 30Model + Inn Pop + 7
Fishing Grounds¥80,000Hiker target Pop = 30Fisherman
FT School¥40,000Antique Dir target Pop = 30Fortune-teller
Game Company¥80,000Biz-man target Pop = 30Programmer
Go National¥550,000Govenor target Pop = 30Legislator
Golf Course¥300,000Novelist target Pop = 30G. Manager
Heliport¥480,000All target Pop = 30CEO
Hiking Course¥40,000Appears at Y1 M11Hiker
Hire Secretary¥260,000G. Manager target Pop = 30Secretary
Lavish Party¥600,000CEO target Pop = 30Rich Heir
Law Office¥330,000Model target Pop = 30Lawyer
Luxury Apts¥360,000Lawyer target Pop = 30Celebrity
Magazine¥200,000Pastry Chef target Pop = 30Journalist
Mansion Land¥480,000Opera Sngr target Pop = 30Rich Missus
Mountain Hut¥180,000Manager target Pop = 30M. Artist
Mountain Path¥180,000M. Artist target Pop = 30Old Couple
Move Lab¥150,000Prgrmmr target Pop = 30Researcher
Move Large Firm¥420,000Painter target Pop = 30COO
News Program¥290,000Journalist target Pop = 30Announcer
Opera House¥300,000Tea Expert target Pop = 30Opera Singer
Pastry School¥140,000Housewife target Pop = 30Pastry Chef
Pop Star Debut¥420,000Celebrity target Pop = 30Pop Singer
Start Venture¥90,000Biz-man target Pop = 30Manager
Stock Exchange¥380,000Pianist target Pop = 30Trader
Tea Contest¥160,000Fortuneteller target Pop = 30Tea Expert
TV Station¥180,000Researcher target Pop = 30TV Host
Writing Classes¥240,000M. Artist target Pop = 30Novelist

Investment Special Guests:
InvestmentCostHow to UnlockTarget Sex/Age GroupUnlocks upon Completed
Architect¥100,000Appears when Land Deed II is purchasedMale/AdultStone Floor, Side Gate, Front Gate & Reception
Beautician¥40,000Appears when total female target Pop = 200Female/YouthSalon
Cafe Owner¥40,000Appears when Manager target Pop = 65Male/AdultCafe
Chimpan Z¥360,000Appears when you achieve Rank 1 in every GuidebookMale/YouthLarge Bath (M) & Large Bath (W)
Famous FT¥60,000Appears when Fortuneteller target Pop = 40Female/SeniorFortuneteller
Kairobot¥120,000Appears when all targets Pop = 90Male/AdultVIP Room
Tea Master¥60,000Appears when Tea Master target Pop = 40Female/SeniorTea Room

Investment Decorations:
InvestmentCostHow to Unlock
Bamboo¥220,000Appears when 20 Tatami Rooms are present in your Hot Spring
Lantern¥180,000Appears when 10 Natural Stones are present in your Hot Spring
Plum Tree¥260,000Appears when 20 Bamboo are present in your Hot Spring
Maple Tree¥240,000Appears when 10 Plum Trees are present in your Hot Spring and you have completed the Expand Store II Investment
Pond¥400,000Appears when 20 Natural Stones and 20 Lanterns are present in your Hot Spring

Investment Other:
InvestmentCostHow to UnlockEffect
Advertise¥50,000Starts appearing from Y1 M11. Reappears after 6 months after it is researchedIncreases staying customers in the following month
Expand Store I¥130,000Appears after you have bought 55 items from the storeExpands item selection in the store
Expand Store II¥500,000Appears after you have bought 130 items from the storeGreatly expands item selection in the store
Garden¥60,000Appears in Y1 M11Increases Inn Popularity +2

[Hot Springs Story] Facility

By : Gaj

Facility Behaviour
Behaviour Related to Baths
Baths are one of the two facilities that can be used by Day Visitors (those who do not stay over night at your inn). The other facility is the Souvenir Stand.

Day Visitors takes less time to bath, since Day Visitors do not get a satisfaction increase. This can sometimes make the next person waiting outside the bath wait a little longer, since Day Visitor bathes so fast they queue up to change their clothes back to their normal attire right after the previous bather. As such, the next person waiting outside has to wait for two people to change back to normal attire instead of one due to the Day Visitors bathing speed.
While Large Baths have two bathing spots, they only have one spot to change clothes.
After baths, male guests will go directly to either a Massage Chair or a Vending Machine. After that, they will return to their room, then actively seek a Massage Chair or a Vending Machine if they have not used it yet. However, if the Massage Chair or Vending Machine is really far away from his room, he can skip them and use other facilities instead. However, since they are willing to walk far distances to use these two facilities, it is ideal to place both of them near the baths to save them walking time and maximize the efficiency of your inn. They will usually substitute an unavailable Vending Machine with a Tea Room or a Cafe, though even after using a Tea Room or a Cafe, they will still try to seek for an available Vending Machine.

After baths, female guests will go directly to either a Massage Chair, a Vending Machine or a Salon. Female guests have one more actively sought out facility as compared to male guests. Try to place these facilities near the bath to save the guests walking between the facilities they seek out. Vending Machines and Massage Chairs should be spread out over the inn, since they will cut walking time as well as increase compatibility with rooms and other facilities.

Group guests will seperate to different baths according to their sex. When one sex is finished bathing, they will not directly go to a Massage Chair, a Vending Machine or a Salon, but go back to the room and wait for the other sex to return. After both sexes have returned to the room, then they will together actively seek out a Massage Chair or a Vending Machine. Group guests never use the Salon.

Because the game calculates the distance and time to reach facilities, sometimes only one sex of a Group guest will walk to the bath while the other sex waits in the room. For example, at 11:30 PM, the male of the Young Couple might walk to a near by Male Bath while the female will wait in the room, not going to the far away Female Bath.

Facility Usage
Ping Pong Tables can only be used by Group guests.

Salons can only be used by Women. None of the women in Groups can use it.

Pachinko Machines cannot be used by Group guests.

All Baths and Souvenir Stand can be patroned by Day Visitors (those who do not stay overnight at your inn) while other facilities can only be used by Stayers.

Use of the Karaoke Room can trigger a guest to go directly to a Vending Machine. It is advisable to place a Vending Machine directly next to your Karaoke Machine to maximize efficiency.

Karaoke Rooms take up more time when a guest is using it. The animation is longer than other facilities.

There’s a two step process for guests using the Souvenir Stand; the first step is selecting the product which increase their satisfaction level and the second step is walking to the cashier to pay. If the guest has finished selecting the product but are walking to the cashier as the time limit is reached, they will abandon their action and go back to their room without paying money.

Each facility has special affinity according to the different guest types. For example, from the same walking distance, Seniors will go to a Tea Room more than an Arcade. Music or TV related guests like Pianist, Pop Idol, Announcer prefer the Karaoke Room. Youth and Tech-related guests prefer the Arcade.

The Vending Machine is the best facility by far. It is one of the actively sought out facilities after using the Bath, and can sometimes be sought out after using the Karaoke Room. Along with the fact that the Vending Machine gives ‘All Up’ compability to both Tatami and Western Room, as well as other facilities such as the Arcade and the Ping Pong Table, it is recommended that you have plenty of Vending Machines for multiple usage. It also has one of the fastest usage animation to boot.

[Hot Springs Story] Targets

By : Gaj

Star Key:
* – Very Easy
** – Easy
*** – Slightly Hard
**** – Hard
***** – Very Hard
****** – Super Hard

Effect Key:
Votes – Will input more votes to current guidebook ranking.
Items – Will randomly give you items from facilities they have used.
Stayers – Are more likely to stay more nights in your hot spring.
Money – Will randomly increase the amount of money they bring to future visits when checking out of your inn.
Facilities – Will randomly increase the scenery of the facilities they visit.
Advertising – Will randomly increase the amount of people who will visit your inn.

TargetDifficultyGenderAge GroupEffect
Antique Dir*FemaleSeniorVotes
Booth Babe***FemaleAdultVotes
M. Artist***MaleAdultStayers
Opera Sngr****MaleSeniorVotes
Pastry Chef***FemaleAdultItems
Tea Expert****FemaleSeniorFacilities
Yng Couple**GroupYouthStayers
Yng Family**GroupYouthVotes
TV Host***MaleYouthAdvertising
G. Manager***MaleAdultAdvertising
Old Couple**GroupSeniorItems
Rich Missus*****FemaleSeniorStayers
First Lady******FemaleSeniorAdvertising
Pop Singer*****FemaleYouthAdvertising
Rich Couple******GroupSeniorStayers
Rich Heir******MaleSeniorFacilities

- Super Hard isn’t technically classed as 6 stars, but for the three that are classed as Super Hard, I wanted to differentiate between them.
- The more difficult the guest is to please, the stronger their effect is. (e.g. CEO will find better items than Biz-man).

[Hot Springs Story] Scenery

By : Gaj

Image below applied to all scenery and bottom image applies only to Ponds.

Pine Tree63100
Hydrangea (Summer)84210
Natural Stone105211
Azalea (Spring)157311
Lantern (Night)168421
Maple Tree189421
Maple Tree (Autumn)2211522
Plum Tree189421
Plum Tree (Spring)2412632
Plum Tree (Summer)2012632

For 2 tile facilities placed on both Y values of the pond, the scenery increase is +52. For facilities placed on both G values of the pond, the scenery increase is +12.

[Hot Springs Story] Compatibility

By : Gaj

All compatable facilities add/subtract 0.5 hearts to the affected groups
Facility 1Facility 2Effect
Room (Western/Tatami)Pachinko MachineRoom: All Down
Room (Western/Tatami)Karaoke RoomRoom: All Down
Room (Western/Tatami)Massage ChairRoom: Adults Up, Seniors Up
Room (Western/Tatami)CafeRoom: Men Up
Room (Western/Tatami)FortunetellerRoom: Women Up
Room (Western/Tatami)Vending MachineRoom: All Up
Tatami RoomTatami RoomBoth: All Up
Tatatmi RoomTea RoomTatami Room: Adults Up, Seniors Up
Western RoomWestern RoomBoth: All Up
Western RoomRestaurantWestern Room: All Up
Souvenir StandWestern RoomBoth: Youth Up, Adults Down, Seniors Down, Groups Down
Souvenir StandVending MachineBoth: Youth Up, Adults Up, Groups Up
Souvenir StandVending MachineBoth: Youth Up, Adults Up, Groups Up
Pachinko MachineArcadeBoth: Men Up
Pachinko MachineTea RoomBoth: All Down
Pachinko MachinePachinko MachineBoth: Adults (M) Up
Massage ChairSalonBoth: Women Up
CafeKaraoke RoomBoth: Adults (M) Up, Seniors (M) Up
CafeReading RoomBoth: Adults (M) Up, Seniors (M) Up
CafeArcadeBoth: Adults (M) Down, Seniors (M) Down
SalonFortunetellerBoth: Women Up
SalonPachinko MachineBoth: Women Up
Vending MachinePing Pong TableBoth: All Up
Vending MachineArcadeBoth: All Up
Tea RoomReading RoomBoth: All Up
Tea RoomRestaurantBoth: All Up
Reading RoomKaraoke RoomBoth: All Down
Reading RoomPachinko MachineBoth: All Down
Ping Pong TableArcadeBoth: Groups Down
Room (Western/Tatami)VIP RoomRoom: All Up
Tea RoomVIP RoomTea Room: All Up
Vending MachineVIP RoomVending Machine: All Up
Massage ChairVIP RoomMassage Chair: All Up
RestaurantVIP RoomRestaurant: All Up
Souvenir StandVIP RoomSouvenir Stand: All Up
ArcadeVIP RoomArcade: All Up
Reading RoomVIP RoomReading Room: All Up
Pachinko MachineVIP RoomPachinko Machine: All Up
SalonVIP RoomSalon: All Up
Karaoke RoomVIP RoomKaraoke Room: All Up
CafeVIP RoomCafe: All Up
FortunetellerVIP RoomFortunerteller: All Up
Ping Pong TableVIP RoomPing Pong Table: All Up

[Hot Springs Story] Tips & Tricks

By : Gaj

General Hints
Check the store every single week. The inventory in the store is refreshed every night at Midnight, so make sure that you look to see if new items have arrived.

ALWAYS buy Popularity and Price seeds as they become available in the store. They are the best items in the game.

Focus on using Popularity and Price seeds on your Rooms and Baths as these facilities are the most frequently used and will generate the most income and satisfaction points for your guests.

Establish a layout for your inn and try to stick to it as best you can. Having the demolish and rebuild takes time and money, and can become a major hassle, even if you have the funds to do so.

Change your target guests regularly. Guests with a sufficiently high Pop will still frequent your inn, and will inherently gain further Popularity points, so it helps to change targets to get other types of guests to visit your inn without having to directly focus on drawing them in.

Try to complete as many investments as possible to unlock more targets. The higher the total number of targets you have, the more guests you will have visiting your inn.

Guest Behaviour
Stayers – General Behaviors
People who walk along the roads near your inn have a chance to walk and check in to your inn. 8 PM is the latest time where a potential guest will spawn from one of the 3 spawning points.

Potential guests can start spawning at your inn as early as 10AM, but during M5 (Golden Week) or a month that the Advertising Research investment is completed, normal guests do not enter your inn until 12 PM when a large number of people will flock to your inn, spawning from the South East spawning point. From this point, the large amount of guests will automatically spread out to each reception desk you have, though building a reception desk on the South East area where they spawn will allow you to receive some guests more efficiently. Guests spawning in such way walk at a much higher speed to queue up at your reception desk.

After a guest has checked in, he/she will be randomly assigned to an empty room. However, if you have more than one reception point, the AI will try to assign each guest to a room closer to each reception desk. Rrooms with low compatibility and scenery are usually the last to be checked in. Also, rooms you build last tend to be last to get checked into, giving that its scenery and compatibility values are average. Since you would want the rooms closest to reception point to get checked in first (maximizing guest time at your inn), try to focus on scenery for the rooms near the front of your inn.

The guest goes to their room and put their bags down, paying the room cost as they do so. Then, they will sit down and receive popularity points, according to the popularity and compatibility of the room. They do this only ONCE – guests who stay overnight do not pay the room cost or gain popularity points on the second and subsequent days.

Guests will walk from their room to a facility, then to return to their room before going to another facility. The exceptions are baths and karaoke room (see below section).

If a guest is going to check out on the next day, the only activity they will perform is to check out. They will not use any facilities on the way to the reception desk.

All guest will use each kind of facility only once, with the exception of the Vending Machine. The vending Machine is actively sought out by guests after using the Bath and sometimes after using the Karaoke Room, thus enabling multiple uses of Vending Machines in the same day.

Stayers – General Timetable
Potential stayers spawn around 10 AM at the earliest and 8 PM at latest.
Most Youth have a time limit (see below) of Midnight, Adults around 11:30 PM and Seniors around 11 PM. I say most because certain guest types from the same age group have different timetable. For example, Antique Dir and Hiker go back to their rooms as early as 10 -10:30 PM, while Fisherman can stay up as late as 11 PM. For Group guests, Yng Couple and Yng Family are considered as Youth, while Old Couple and Rich Couple are considered as Senior. However, Rich Couple is more flexible time-wise than Old Couple.

The earlier the guest sleeps, the earlier they seem to get up the next morning. This somewhat balances out Seniors worth, since they wake up earlier and can use more facilities on their subsequent days. Overall though, Youth is still the best age group, as they can stay up the latest, maximizing their worth on the very first day they check in. There is no guarantee for Seniors to stay over for more than one night, so if a Senior checks out the very next morning, then waking up early does not have any extra benefit.

When the time limit of each guest type arrives, the guests who have not reached their next facility will turn around and go back to their room. By “reach”, I mean that they are already using the facility. Thus, if they are queuing up when their time limit is reached, they will head back to their room and not use the facility. This also occurs once it hits Midnight every week. For baths, if the guests have already changed their attire when their time limit is reached, they will wait even if there’s another guest currently using the bath. For the Souvenir Stand, there’s a two step process for the guest; the first step is selecting the product which increase their satisfaction level and the second step is walking to the cashier to pay. If the guest has finished selecting the product but are walking to the cashier as the time limit is reached, they will abandon their action and go back to their room without paying money.

The game automatically calculates the walking time needed for a guest to reach their next destination. For example, sometimes you see Youth guests sleeping as early as 10 PM. That is because to reach the next unused facility, the game calculates that the time would exceed their time limit. This is also why sometimes Seniors, who usually go back to their rooms around 11 PM, can still be seen walking to the next facility, because the game calculates that this guest would arrive at this facility just before their time limit of 11 PM. However, sometimes the game can miscalculate this as well. You can see a guest walking to a facility and when they are just about to reach the place, they turn around. This is also because the AI is not perfect; sometimes the guest takes the longer route when there is a short route availableor goes to the far Vending Machine instead of a closer Vending Machine because the nearer one is being used by another guest or has another guest heading there simultaneously.

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