Posted by : Gaj Sunday, July 7, 2013

There are four main groups of food that can be accessed in The Sushi Spinnery; Sushi, Toppings, Sweets and Drinks.

Sushi is obviously the main type of food that will be served in your restaurant. There are three different types of sushi that are available:
Nigirizushi: Can have up to 2 base ingredients and 2 toppings. Tends to focus largely on Flavour and Texture stats. Becomes the best option at the end of the game, due to the large stat boosts that can be gained from the base ingredient and topping compatibility.
Gunkan-maki: Can have 2 base ingredients and 1 topping. Tends to focus largely on Texture and Aroma stats. The most important type of sushi from early to mid-game, as it has the highest stats until the Nigirizushi has the ability to have 2 base ingredients.
Makizushi: Can have up to 3 base ingredients. Tends to focus largely on Aroma and Colour stats. Important for the two contests that only allow Maki-type sushi to be entered, but has the lowest overall stats.
When a certain ingredient is in season, there will be a small fish icon listed next to it in the list. This will result in it being sold for double its regular price, and when creating sushi of that type, will result in greater stat and experience boosts when using appropriately leveled chefs.

NameTypePrep TimeRankSeasonBase StatsBase PopularityUnlock Condition
TamagoNigiri, Maki10 (D)EN/A4051010+++++++++Initially Available
SaladGunkan10 (D)EN/A30555++++Initially Available
AnkoMaki5 (D)EN/A205201+++++Complete Anko Consulting
NasubiNigiri5 (D)ESummer55405--++-++Complete Nasubi Consulting
TakuanMaki10 (D)DAutumn5401030++++Complete Takuan Consulting
KanpyoMaki10 (D)Dn/A553010-+--Initially Available
KyuriGunkan10 (D)DN/A54055Initially Available
CornGunkan10 (D)DN/A4020510+++Complete Corn Consulting
StrawberryGunkan10 (D)DN/A2052050+++++Complete Strawberry Consulting
AmaebiNigiri, Maki15 (D)DWinter10301030++++Initially Available
Ebi TakashiNigiri, Maki15 (D)DSummer, Autumn403011+++++Complete Ebi Takashi Consulting
HamburgerNigiri10 (D)EN/A402055+++++Complete Hamburger Consulting
HotateNigiri15 (D)DSummer1020505++++Complete Hotate Consulting
MentaikoGunkan35 (C)CN/A553040++++++++Complete Mentaiko Consulting
KalbiNigiri, Maki20 (D)DN/A605510+++++++Complete Kalbi Consulting
IkaAll35 (C)CSpring, Summer560405+++++Complete Ika Consulting
MenegiNigiri20 (D)DWinter5202550--+++Complete Menegi Consulting
SalmonNigiri, Maki40 (C)CSpring455510+++++++++++++Complete Salmon Consulting
TakoNigiri, Gunkan40 (C)CSummer, Winter560540+++++Complete Tako Consulting
NattoGunkan35 (C)CN/A3030305++-Win お誕生日コンクール (Birthday Contest)
AkagaiNigiri50 (C)BAutumn, Winter105555++++++Complete Akagai Consulting
KaniAll50 (C)BWinter3054050+++++Complete Kani Consulting
HamachiNigiri55 (C)BAll60303050++++++++++++++++++Complete Hamachi Consulting
AnagoNigiri55 (C)BSummer70206040++++++++Complete Anago Consulting
AwabiNigiri60 (B)BSummer580805++++++Complete Awabi Consulting
MaguroNigiri, Maki65 (B)BAutumn, Winter30103030++++++++++++Complete Maguro Consulting
UmibudoGunkan70 (B)BAutumn, Winter5806010+++++Win お誕生日コンクール (Birthday Contest)
KatsuoNigiri70 (B)BSpring, Summer, Autumn70303080+++Complete Katsuo Consulting
EelNigiri, Maki75 (B)BWinter8058060++++++Complete Eel Consulting
NegitoroGunkan, Maki80 (A)AAutumn, Winter140555++++++++Complete Negitoro Consulting
ShakoNigiri90 (A)ASummer, Autumn110306030++++++Complete Shako Consulting
IkuraGunkan, Maki95 (A)AAutumn3012030110+++++Complete Ikura Consulting
HirameNigiri100 (A)AAutumn, Winter601007010+++++++Complete Hirame Consulting
ShirameGunkan105 (A)AWinter14051305-+++++++-++++++Complete Shirame Consulting
MadaiNigiri110 (A)ASpring, Winter6050100120+++++++++++++++Complete Madai Consulting
UniGunkan125 (S)SSpring, Summer160515060-++++++-++++Complete Uni Consulting
EngawaNigiri130 (S)SAutumn, Winter1601603020++++++Complete Engawa Consulting
KamatoroNigiri135 (S)SAutumn, Winter1608040100++++++++++++++++Complete Kamatoro Consulting
MatsutakeNigiri, Maki140 (S)SAutumn552205++++++++++++Complete Matsutake Consulting
CaviarGunkan, Maki145 (S)SSpring120180605++++++++++Complete Caviar Consulting
FuguNigiri150 (S)SN/A2004016020++++++++++++++Complete Fugu Consulting
KaninotsumeMaki150 (S)SWinter120011++++++++Win 巻き寿司コンクール本戦 (Maki Sushi Contest Final)

Toppings are used when creating new sushi to enhance their stats. Certain types of topping can only be used with certain types of sushi, so keep that in mind when creating new types of sushi. The more compatible a topping is with a sushi, the greater the stat increase that is gained.

NameTypePrep TimeBase StatsUnlock Condition
Rock SaltNigiri, Gunkan5520Initially Available
ShichimiNigiri, Gunkan51020Initially Available
KizaminoriNigiri, Gunkan51020Initially Available
MayonaisseNigiri, Gunkan520Initially Available
Sweet SauceNigiri, Gunkan530Initially Available
MisoNigiri, Gunkan102020Complete Miso Consulting
DaikonoroshiNigiri, Gunkan10103020Complete Daikonoroshi Consulting
KoyooroshiNigiri, Gunkan10203030Complete Koyooroshi Consulting
NeriumeNigiri, Gunkan1540Complete Neriume Consulting
ShisoNigiri2030Win 町内寿司コンクール (Neighbourhood Sushi Contest)
AsatsukiNigiri, Gunkan20103020Complete Asatsuki Consulting
NegiNigiri, Gunkan2510201020Complete Negi Consulting
WasabiNigiri, Gunkan2530Complete Wasabi Consulting
LemonNigiri, Gunkan302020Win 市町村合同コンクール (Municipality Union Contest)
AvocadoNigiri, Gunkan30202020Complete Avocado Consulting
CheeseNigiri, Gunkan303010Complete Cheese Consulting
Yaki CheeseNigiri, Gunkan353020Complete Yaki Cheese Consulting
ShogaNigiri, Gunkan353020Complete Shoga Consulting
TamanegiNigiri, Gunkan40102020Complete Tamanegi Consulting
TobikoNigiri, Gunkan45203010Complete Tobiko Consulting
KinpakuNigiri, Gunkan50100Reach 4★ Rank

Sweets & Drinks
Sweets & Drinks are intermediate items that can be eaten by your customers. Whilst they are generally well-received, they can be the big difference between having a customer stay at the sushi belt, or having htem leave unsatisfied. Sweets & Drinks tend to maintain the appetite of yoru customers, making them more likely to stay longer at the sushi belt and eat more sushi overall.

NameTypePrep TimeRankBase StatsBase PopularityUnlock Condition
PuddingSweet0E20203040+++++++++Complete Pudding Consulting
MelonSweet0E40303060++++++++Complete Melon Consulting
CakeSweet0E70201060++++-+++++-Complete Cake Consulting
ParfaitSweet0E70201080+++++-++++++-Complete Parfait Consulting
Orange JuiceDrink0E2002040++++++Initially Available
Ginger AleDrink0E4002060+++++Complete Ginger Ale Consulting
CocktailDrink0D60070100+++++++++Complete Cocktail Consulting

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