Posted by : Gaj Sunday, July 7, 2013

There are a total of 48 customers that can be invited to your restaurant. In most cases, customers are unlocked by having a different customer reach 30 Fans, which then provides you with a consulting opportunity to unlock the next customer. The unlocking branches of customers is as follows:

The difficulty in satisfying customers is based on when you unlock them, according to the following list:
Initially Available Customers: ★
First 8 Unlocked Customers: ★★
Next 12 Unlocked Customers: ★★★
Next 12 Unlocked Customers: ★★★★
All Customers After This: ★★★★★
Each customer can have up to 4 favourite types of sushi, as well as 4 hated types of sushi. These are determined when you unlock the customer, but is also dependent on what type of sushi you have available at the time. Most customers within the same age and gender groups will have similar likes and dislikes, making it easy to select what types of sushi to promote to satisfy those customers.

NameGenderAge GroupBase AppetiteBase BudgetUnlock Condition
いきもの係 (Animal Expert)MaleKid15¥4,000Complete 動物園でPR (Zoo PR)
学級委員 (Hall Monitor)MaleKid15¥5,200Complete 小学校でPR (Primary School PR)
道草中の少年 (Loitering Boy)MaleKid20¥4,600Initially Available
リトルリーガー (Little Leaguer)MaleKid20¥6,000Complete 運動場でPR (Playground PR)
キャンパスライフ (Campus Life)MaleYouth20¥7,000Initially Available
鉄道写真家 (Railway Photographer)MaleYouth20¥7,200Complete 駅のホームでPR (Station Platform PR)
ハードロッカー (Hard Rocker)MaleYouth20¥6,000Complete ライブハウスでPR (Live House PR)
プロサッカー (Soccer Pro)MaleYouth20¥14,000Complete スタジアムでPR (Stadium PR)
営業社員 (Sales Employee)MaleYouth20¥10,000Complete オフィス街でPR (Office Area PR)
応援団員 (Cheerleader)MaleYouth20¥9,200Complete 甲子園球場でPR (Baseball Stadium PR)
力士 (Sumo Wrestler)MaleYouth40¥12,000Complete ちゃんこ屋でPR (Stew Shop PR)
パイロット (Pilot)MaleYouth20¥11,000Complete 空港でPR (Airport PR)
公務員 (Public Servant)MaleAdult16¥10,000Complete 市役所でPR (City Hall PR)
植林業者 (Lumberjack)MaleAdult16¥7,600Complete 密林でPR (Jungle PR)
日曜大工 (Weekend Carpenter)MaleAdult16¥12,000Complete ホームセンターでPR (Home Center PR)
関取 (Ranked Sumo Wrestler)MaleAdult40¥24,000Complete 国技館でPR (National Sporting House PR)
証券マン (Security Man)MaleAdult16¥19,000Complete 兜町でPR (Helmet City PR)
量子力学者 (Physicist)MaleAdult16¥17,000Complete 研究所でPR (Research Establishment PR)
釣り人 (Fisherman)MaleElderly8¥8,000Complete 湘南の海でPR (Shounan Sea PR)
名誉会長 (CEO)MaleElderly8¥26,000Complete 料亭のお座敷でPR (Restaurant Tatami Room PR)
会社役員 (Company Executive)MaleElderly8¥26,000Complete 会社の会議室でPR (Conference Room PR)
せんべい職人 (Cracker Artisan)MaleElderly5¥6,400Complete せんべい屋でPR (Cracker Shop PR)
お茶名人 (Tea Expert)MaleElderly5¥9,200Complete お茶畑でPR (Tea Garden PR)
観光紳士 (Sighseeing Gentleman)MaleElderly8¥15,000Complete 清水寺でPR (Kiyomizu-dera PR)
乙女 (Young Girl)FemaleKid15¥4,400Initially Available
うさぎ使い (Rabbit Trainer)FemaleKid15¥4,800Complete 飼育小屋でPR (Animal Pen PR)
ドラマー (Drummer)FemaleKid18¥5,800Complete 高校前でPR (Senior High School PR)
文学少女 (Literature Girl)FemaleKid18¥6,000Complete 図書館の中でPR (Library PR)
デパートガール (Department Store Girl)FemaleYouth18¥6,800Complete デパートでPR (Department Store PR)
読者モデル (Reader Model)FemaleYouth18¥8,000Complete 原宿でPR (Harajuku PR)
アパレル (Apparel)FemaleYouth18¥7,800Complete ブティックでPR (Boutique PR)
絵本作家 (Comic Artist)FemaleYouth18¥8,600Complete 印刷所でPR (Printing Office PR)
帰国子女 (Returning Student)FemaleYouth18¥12,000Complete 英会話教室でPR (English Classroom PR)
0L (Office Lady)FemaleYouth18¥9,000Initially Available
アナウンサー (Announcer)FemaleYouth18¥17,000Complete 放送局でPR (Broadcasting Station PR)
受付嬢 (Receptionist)FemaleYouth18¥10,400Complete 会社の受付でPR (Company Reception PR)
声優 (Voice Actor)FemaleYouth18¥9,600Complete スタジオでPR (Studio PR)
タレント (Pop Star)FemaleYouth18¥16,000Complete 芸能事務所でPR (Entertainment Office PR)
セレブ (Celebrity)FemaleYouth18¥24,000Complete ワイキキビーチでPR (Waikiki Beach PR)
教師 (Teacher)FemaleAdult14¥7,600Complete 職員室でPR (Staff Room PR)
ピアニスト (Pianist)FemaleAdult14¥10,000Complete コンサート会場でPR (Concert Hall PR)
主婦 (Housewife)FemaleAdult14¥8,000Complete 地域の公園でPR (Park Area PR)
保育士 (Nurse)FemaleAdult14¥9,000Complete 幼稚園でPR (Kindergarten PR)
天文学者 (Astronomer)FemaleAdult14¥23,840Complete 人工衛星でPR (Artificial Satellite PR)
舞妓 (Geisha)FemaleAdult14¥12,300Complete 京都でPR (Kyoto PR)
日舞家 (Japanese Dancer)FemaleElderly5¥15,400Complete 舞踏教室でPR (Dance Class PR)
旧華族 (Noblewoman)FemaleElderly5¥30,000Complete 鹿鳴館でPR (Foreign Embassy PR)
お針子 (Seamstress)FemaleElderly4¥7,000Complete 仕立て屋でPR (Tailor PR)

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