Posted by : Gaj Friday, June 28, 2013

Residents are the most important resource to maintain in the game, as they are needed for every task in the game. Residents can be levelled up, using money, to increase their stats, which is imperative to your success, as having well leveled residents will result in more efficient production and exploration. One benefit of levelling up your residents is that they will upgrade their houses as they get stronger, which results in them sleeping for shorter periods of time and working for longer before returning home.
Residents have 5 main stat categories; Health, Ability, Work, Exploration and Attack.
Health is indicative of how much damage the resident can take in battle before they are defeted. Residents with high health are the most useful in battle, especially when it comes to stronger enemies, as their high durability allows for higher damage output.
Ability is indicative of how much bonus Attack the resident will receive when equipping a weapon. High ability residents are also the most useful in battle, as they have higher damage output.
Work is indicative of how long and fast a resident will work in a Field or Mine before returning home. High work residents are essential to keeping you production facilities stocked to maintain profits from Exporters and/or tourist aliens.
Exploration is indicative of the exploration rate that your away team proceeds at when exploring alien planets or your homeworld. High Exploration residents are essential to completion explorations quickly and at minimum cost.
Attack is indicative of the damage output of a resident. Attack is largely bolstered by having a good weapon paired with a high Ability stat. Residents with high attack are the most likely to fare well in battle (provided they have adequate Health stats).
Residents fall into three unofficial categories; Workers, Explorers and Fighters.

Worker Residents
Worker residents have excellent Work stats and abysmal stats in other areas. Their high Work stats allow them to work in Fields and Mines for longer before returning home, making them ideal for keeping your production lines flowing
NameHome PlanetBase LevelBase StatsStarting Skill
Bones McGeeLocal14312238Power Strike
James TurkLocal170201614Rage
Nyota UhuluOctopi160151885Rage
Chris PikeOctopi3801528115Power Shot
Monty ScottR-Gray250162210Recovery
Kate BanewayR-Gray24082411Rage
Chris ChapelPlanta3100430145Guard
Reg BroccoliPlanta4807335Power Strike 2
Lo RalenPlanta450123465Recovery
Lissa OgawaTentaclus565338125Guard
Pavlov HekovSaucer660154065Heal Ally 2
Hikaru FuluMechabot5701137135Rage 2

Explorer Residents
Explorerresidents have excellent Exploration stats and average Health and Ability stats. Their high Exploration stats make them ideal for rushing through explorations quickly and effectively, whilst their average Health and Ability stas give them a certain degree of durability in battle. However, in areas where exceptionally strong enemies are encountered, they are not as useful as Fighters.
NameHome PlanetBase LevelBase StatsStarting Skill
Wes SmasherLocal1120301228Battle Cry
Kate PulaskiOctopi1802312366Guard
Luxana ToyOctopi2100219356Recovery
Mia HortaR-Gray3120241339Sharpshooter
Dul GukatPlanta2901012385Rage
Sam TurkPlanta31101610435Power Strike
Nan CraterPlanta41402213466Battle Cry
Edie KreelerTentaclus41201921465Power Shot 2
Dadzia JaxSaucer51101314525Rage
Larry KimSaucer61201616565Recovery 2
Jen LandruMechabot51002112486Power Strike 2

Fighter Residents
Fighter residents have excellent Health and Ability stats but abysmal Work and Exploration stats. Their high Health and Ability stats make them ideal for taking on any enemies you encounter during explorations. These residents are essential to surviving the Bottomless Chasm.
NameHome PlanetBase LevelBase StatsStarting Skill
Wes SmasherLocal1120301228Battle Cry
Siles O’HareOctopi1130268116Guard
Keiko O’HareR-Gray2140281216Power Strike
Gordi ForgeR-Gray2150341314Rage
Johnny ArcherR-Gray3150422212Rage
Holly O’HarePlanta31603816136Recovery
Malcolm TreedTentaclus41804812157Guard
Zeb CochraneTentaclus51805617237Rage
Tom BerlinSaucer5190582121Power Strike 2
Khandy SinghSaucer41705016107Power Strike 2
Lana TorresMechabot62006022248Power Strike 2
Note: Wes Smasher is also listed as an Explorer resident, as he has exceptionally high Exploration, as well as Health and Ability, which allows his classification in both categories.

Other Residents
These residents do not fall into any of the above categories due to overall lower stats and/or a lack of specialisation in any stat categories. These residents can be useful early on in the game for clearing battles and explorations, but are quicky outclassed by residents in their respective categories.
NameHome PlanetBase LevelBase StatsStarting Skill
Jean VicardLocal160241016Power Strike
Bev SmasherLocal14026814Power Shot
Yoshi SatoOctopi11002415196Power Shot
Ben BriskoOctopi3902912156Heal Ally
Drip DuckOctopi2902212216Rage
Cyrano SmithR-Gray27025118Sharpshooter
Nira KerysTentaclus3703110136Power Shot
Billy TrikerTentaclus4100451957Power Shot 2
Jake BriskoTentaclus4803420106Power Shot 2
Breanna ToySaucer5804818127Sharpshooter
Harry DirttSaucer595559357Power Shot 2
Yahsa TarMechabot6905610167Power Shot 2

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