Posted by : Gaj Friday, June 28, 2013

Production is a key method in which you gain money from your residents. Production requires two key steps: collection of raw material and generation of the desired product.
Your residents will work at either a field or a mine (depending on where they live and the proximity of said facilities to their home) and will generate raw materials (either food from fields or various types of resources from a mine, depending on where it is located). When you have stockpiled a sufficient amount of resource within the work facility, they will take the raw material to either a Processing Plant (for further refining into processed materials, which can be used as raw materials in a Factory) or a Factory (for generating the desired product).
Production can be a rather complicated affair, as you require differing amounts of raw material and processed materials in order to create the desired product at the factory. Levi Flaman provided a good tip for maintaining efficient production in your factories, by developing your resource steps in a pyramid scheme (e.g. if you are developing Atomic Supercomputers in a factory (which requires Ethanol and Circuits); have 2 Processing Plants developing Ethanol, 2 Processing Plants developing Circuits, 4 fields generating Food for the Processing Plant producing Ethanol and 4 Mines generating Rare Metal for the Processing Plant producing Circuits.)

Raw Materials
NameTech RequiredDevelopment CostUnit PriceLocation Found
Food- -$1.0KPlains

NameTech RequiredDevelopment CostUnit PriceLocation Found
Rock Mine Lvl 1 - $3.0K Snowfields, Desert and Lava Plateau
Iron Ore Mine Lvl 2 $400.0K $4.0K Snowfields, Desert and Lava Plateau
Rare Metal Mine Lvl 2 $400.0K $5.0K Snowfields
Oil Mine Lvl 2 $400.0K $4.0K Desert
Jewel Mine Lvl 3 $600.0K $10.0K Lava Plateau

Processing Plant Products
NameTech RequiredDevelopment CostUnit PriceMaterials Required
Fancy FoodProcessing Lvl 1$150.0K$3.0KFood x1
SuperalloyProcessing Lvl 2$500.0K$6.0KIron Ore x1
EthanolProcessing Lvl 3$800.0K$6.0KFood x2
CircuitProcessing Lvl 3$800.0K$7.5KRare Metal x1

Factory Products
Food Products
NameTech RequiredDevelopment CostUnit PriceMaterials Required
RollsFood Lvl 1Initially Available$3.5KFood x1
SandwichesFood Lvl 1$4.3KFood x1
HamburgersFood Lvl 2$250.0K$15.3KFood x3
EclairsFood Lvl 2$200.0K$9.4KFood x2
Chocolate CakesFood Lvl 3$400.0K$8.8KFancy Food x1
Beef StroganoffFood Lvl 3$500.0K$18.9KFancy Food x2
Wedding CakesFood Lvl 4$800.0K$20.1KFancy Food x2
Foie Gras SteaksFood Lvl 4$1,000.0K$31.9KFancy Food x3

Machine Products
NameTech RequiredDevelopment CostUnit PriceMaterials Required
TeapotsMachine Lvl 2$50.0K$7.0KIron Ore x1
TeapotsMachine Lvl 2$50.0K$7.0KIron Ore x1
Mountain BikesMachine Lvl 2$200.0K$15.6KIron Ore x2
Oil HeatersMachine Lvl 2$600.0K$28.2KIron Ore x1 and Oil x2
Fancy WristwatchesMachine Lvl 2$500.0K$42.3KIron Ore x2 and Jewel x1
MotorcyclesMachine Lvl 3$700.0K$51.0KIron Ore x2 and Oil x3
TrucksMachine Lvl 3$800.0K$66.0KSuperalloy x2 and Oil x3
Plasma TvsMachine Lvl 3$800.0K$42.3KIron Ore x2 and Rare Metal x2
5.1ch Speaker SetsMachine Lvl 3$600.0K$36.5KIron Ore x3 and Rare Metal x1
SportscarsMachine Lvl 4$1,200.0K$88.5KSuperalloy x3 and Oil x3
TanksMachine Lvl 4$1,500.0K$126.0KSuperalloy x4 and Oil x4
Small UFOsMachine Lvl 4 and Electronics Lvl 3$2,000.0K$127.5KSuperalloy x3 and Circuit x3
Eco CarsMachine Lvl 4$1,600.0K$94.5KSuperalloy x3 and Ethanol x2
Home Theater SetsMachine Lvl 4$1,200.0K$66.1KIron Ore x3 and Rare Metal x3

Electronics Products
NameTech RequiredDevelopment CostUnit PriceMaterials Required
Micro ComputersElectronics Lvl 1$200.0K$20.2KIron Ore x1 and Rare Metal x1
LaptopsElectronics Lvl 2$500.0K$27.0KIron Ore x1 and Circuit x1
SupercomputersElectronics Lvl 3$1,000.0K$66.1KSuperalloy x2 and Circuit x2
Atomic ComputersElectronics Lvl 4$2,000.0K$137.7KEthanol x4 and Circuit x4

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