Posted by : Gaj Thursday, June 6, 2013

Training methods play two important roles in the game. Firstly, they are the primary way in which to increase the stats of your employees, the other being leveling them up, which in turn results in better games being produced. You should always train you employees in the appropriate methods to maximize their stats. The second is to unlock new game genres and types, expanding the types of games you can play. As will be explained below, when employees of particular jobs and levels are trained in specific methods, new game types and genres will be unlocked.

TrainingCostPower ReductionAvailabilityProgram IncreaseScenario IncreaseGraphics IncreaseSound Increase
Stroll$30.0K-2First Office+3+3
Reading$30.0K-2First Office+4+3
Movie$50.0K-2First Office+4+4
Anime$70.0K-3First Office+5+4+3+2
Game$100.0K-3First Office+6+5
Jogging$120.0K-4Second Office+4+5
Pinball$80.0K-5Second Office+0/+6+0/+6+0/+6+0/+6
Meditate$90.0K-5Second Office+1+2+1+3
Concert$160.0K-3Second Office+3+5
Net Surf$280.0K-4Second Office+7+5-5
Museum$300.0K-4Second Office+5+6+6-3
College$550.0K-6Final Office-2+5
Lab Study$800.0K-7Final Office+6-3+3+4
Short Trip$1,050.0K-9Final Office+8+7+4+5
Long Trip$2,500.0K-11Final Office+5+8+6+6

The stat increases outlined in the table below are for when the training is at it’s most effectiveness. As you continue to train your employee, certain types of training will become less and less efficient, until it eventually results in no stat gains at all. There are two exceptions to this rule. The first is the event of a Super Parameter Up, in which the employee gains three times the standard stat gain at it’s maximum potential. The occurrence of a Super Parameter Up is completely random, but can help to push your staff beyond their normal training limits. The second exception is the Pinball training method. Normally, the Pinball training method results in no changes to stats. However, on occasion, it will provide a +6 boost to all stat areas. This can occur, regards of whether your employees have reached their maximum stat potential. One thing to note with the Pinball training is that the occurrence of a Super Parameter Up will result in a -18 stat point loss in all categories.

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  1. How do training methods serve two crucial roles in the game development process?
    Telkom University


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