Posted by : Gaj Thursday, July 11, 2013

There are a large variety of jobs that your residents can take up, which can affect not only the stat growth of the resident, but also the prices of the stores in your village.

New jobs are initially limited to the resident that visits your village (e.g. Sam Ganges will be the only King when he first visits your village), but when that resident masters their job, it will become available to the rest of your residents to transfer to. In order to transfer to a new job, you must first have the necessary Town Points, and if necessary, the resident must also have a certain number of medals. Medals are awarded to your residents at the end of every year, so think carefully when distributing them so that they can change into the appropriate jobs.

When a resident transfers into a new job, they will get an inherent bonus, which will affect certain buildings in your village. Note that if you have multiple residents in the same job, the inherent bonuses will cumulatively stack. When a resident masters a job, they will receive a stat increase to the primary stat of the job or a relevant item. This can make it worthwhile to master lower ranking jobs initially, as the experience requirement to fully master lower ranking jobs is less than the more powerful jobs available later in the game.

Finally, each job comes with a monthly upkeep cost that must be paid when your end of month finances are calculated. Stronger jobs have a higher monthly salary, which is offset by their higher stat totals. The monthly salary of a job also increases as the job level of the resident increases. This should be kept in mind as having a slew of powerful jobs can make it difficult to maintain a profit in the later stages of the game.

JobGender AvailabilityAttack PreferenceInherent BonusMastery BonusTransfer CostMedal RequirementMonthly SalaryAdditional Notes
AdventurerBothRangedPays higher income tax+20 体力 (HP)50150GInitially Available
FarmerBothRangedCost of placing plants is lowered by 25%+20 DEX60150GInitially Available
CarpenterMale OnlyPhysicalConstruction speed is increased+20 STR100180GInitially Available
MerchantBothRangedSales price of Vase stores increases by 20%+20 DEX70180GInitially Available
WarriorBothPhysicalSales price of Combat School increases by 20%+20 STR81150G
MageBothMagicalSales price of Magic Lab increases by 20%Fire Magic Mastery181225G
MonkBothMagicalSales price of Magic Lab increases by 20%Heal Magic Mastery141225G
ArcherBothRangedSales price of Archery Range increases by 20%+20 DEX101225G
KnightBothPhysicalSales price of Combat School increases by 20%+20 TGH102225G
CookBothMagicalSales price of Food stores increases by 20%+20 SPRT141255G
ClownBothMagicalSales price of Circus increases by 20%+20 SPRT181300G
BardMale OnlyMagicalPays higher income tax+20 SPRT171300G
NinjaBothMagicalPays higher income taxIce Magic Mastery222375G
Black MarketerBothRangedSales price of all stores increases by 20%+30 DEX230450G
MercenaryMale OnlyPhysicalPays higher income tax+30 STR252525G
WrestlerMale OnlyPhysicalPays higher income tax+30 HTH252525G
Kung Fu MasterFemale OnlyPhysicalPays higher income tax+20 STR201750G
HeroBothPhysicalPays higher income tax+30 STR323750G
WizardBothMagicalSales price of Magic Lab increases by 20%Lightning Magic Mastery263750G
KingMale OnlyRangedSales price of Castle increases by 20%+30 LUCK4051,200G
PrincessFemale OnlyRangedSales price of Castle increases by 20%+30 LUCK4051,200G
KairobotMale OnlyPhysicalPays higher income tax+30 LUCK5051,200GUnlocked by obtaining a 5★ village
Princess SallyFemale OnlyPhysicalPays higher income tax+30 LUCK5551,200GUnlocked by obtaining a 5★ village

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