Posted by : Gaj Thursday, July 11, 2013

Equipment is broken down into 4 categories; Weapons, Armor 1, Armor 2 and Accessories. Equipment is largely found through completing quests with a treasure chest icon, although equipment can occasionally be dropped from defeated enemies.

When upgrading the equipment on your residents, try to focus on improving their Weapons and Armor 1 first, as these have the largest benefit to their stats. Equipment can be gifted to the resident (for a slightly increased price), or can be bought in the appropriate store in your village. Be aware though, that residents that purchase equipment from stores in your village will buy them at random, so it is entirely possible that they will downgrade their equipment without you realising it.

Weapons are what your residents use to Attack enemies. They are broken down into two three categories; physical, ranged and magical weapons.
Physical weapons are melee weapons that are used when directly next to an enemy. They are best used by residents with high HP and STR.
Ranged weapons are ranged weapons that allow your residents to Attack from a distance. They are best used by residents with lower HP and high STR.
Magical weapons are ranged weapons that rely on the MAGIC stat of the resident. They are best used by residents with low HP and high SPRT.
NameShop PricePresent PriceATTACKMAGICWeapon TypeUnlock Condition
Dagger400G600G+5-PhysicalInitially Available
Wooden Staff480G720G+4+8MagicalVillage Outskirts
Iron Sword680G1,020G+8-PhysicalInitially Available
Sharp Spear760G1,140G+9-PhysicalVillage Outskirts
Iron Axe800G1,200G+10-PhysicalVillage Outskirts
Wooden Bow880G1,320G+7-RangedClown Stripe Moves In
White Lance1,200G1,800G+14+3PhysicalVillage Outskirts
Fir Staff1,200G1,800G+7+17MagicalVillage Outskirts
Golden Sword1,300G1,950G+11PhysicalVillage Outskirts
Golden Axe1,600G2,400G+14-PhysicalVillage Outskirts
Golden Bow1,600G2,400G+11-RangedVillage Outskirts
Fire Axe1,800G2,700G+21+15PhysicalMagic Cauldron
Slash Blade1,900G2,850G+18-PhysicalDonkey Hotty Moves In
Morning Rod2,000G3,000G+9+25MagicalVillage Outskirts
Slasher2,000G3,000G+19-PhysicalVillage Outskirts
Ice Bow2,200G3,300G+16+14RangedMagic Cauldron
Ice Sword2,300G3,450G+29+27PhysicalMagic Cauldron
Merc Axe2,400G3,600G+35+10PhysicalVillage Outskirts
Magic Rod2,400G3,600G+17+40MagicalVillage Outskirts
Ice Lance2,400G3,600G+24+17PhysicalMagic Cauldron
Great Arrow2,800G4,200G+26+16RangedVillage Outskirts
Atomic Blade2,960G4,440G+42+23PhysicalVillage Outskirts
Holy Staff3,200G4,800G+25+61MagicalVillage Outskirts
Lightning Spear3,200G4,800G+36+31PhysicalMagic Cauldron
Great Axe3,600G5,400G+48+18PhysicalStumblemore Moves In
Bamboo Spear3,680G5,520G+46-PhysicalMasque Mann Moves In
Fairy Arrow4,000G6,000G+39+38RangedVillage Outskirts
Fire Arrow4,400G6,600G+53+44RangedMagic Cauldron
Fiery Rod4,400G6,600G+34+90MagicalMagic Cauldron
Fire Blade5,600G8,400G+60+48PhysicalHarly Potler Moves In
Holy Trident5,800G8,700G+61+63PhysicalVillage Outskirts
Demon Axe6,160G9,240G+63+80PhysicalMagic Cauldron
Great Sword6,400G9,600G+70+52PhysicalSam Ganges Moves In

Body Armor
Body armor falls into the Armor 1 category, and is the primary source of DEFENSE and HP that your residents will receive. It is important to try and get the best possible armor at all times for your residents, as enemies become exponentially stronger as you approach the end stages of the game. 
NameShop PricePresent PriceHPDEFENSEENSEUnlock Condition
Nomad Clothes400G800G+3+3Initially Available
Overalls600G1,200G+3+6Village Outskirts
Monk Robe700G1,400G+6+6Village Outskirts
Bronze Armor750G1,500G+6+7Village Outskirts
Kung Fu Garb800G1,600G+6+8Village Outskirts
Trader Clothes1,000G2,000G+12+11Village Outskirts
Doctor Suit1,100G2,200G+12+12Village Outskirts
Nice Overalls1,700G3,400G+16+15Village Outskirts
Knight Armor1,800G3,600G+16+20Village Outskirts
Priest Robe2,000G4,000G+20+16Chung Lailai Moves In
Combat Garb2,800G5,600G+21+20Village Outskirts
Silver Armor3,000G6,000G+22+22Village Outskirts
Black Suit3,200G6,400G+25+25May Akiba Moves In
Golden Armor3,400G6,800G+25+32Village Outskirts
Holy Armor4,000G8,000G+44+44Village Outskirts
Hero Armor4,800G9,600G+52+52Magic Cauldron

Shields fall into the Armor 2 category, and focus more on DEFENSE compared to HP. Shields are a nice compliment to strong residents with naturaly high HP, as the additional DEFENSE can offset some fo the damage caused by stronger monsters.
Note that Helms also fall into the Armor 2 category, so a helm and shield cannot be simultaneously equipped by a resident. 
NameShop PricePresent PriceHPDEFENSEUnlock Condition
Old Shield400G800G+2+3Village Outskirts
Bronze Shield600G1,200G+4+5Village Outskirts
Warrior Shield1,000G2,000G+7+7Village Outskirts
Monk Shield1,100G2,200G+8+7Village Outskirts
Knight Shield1,350G2,700G+7+11Village Outskirts
Light Guard1,750G3,500G+11+13Village Outskirts
Magic Shield2,400G4,800G+13+16Village Outskirts
Silver Counter2,400G4,800G+10+19Village Outskirts
Priest Shield2,900G5,800G+14+24Village Outskirts
Golden Shield3,200G6,400G+16+26Angie Jelly Moves In
Atomic Guard3,600G7,200G+14+24Village Outskirts
Goddess Shield3,800G7,600G+24+28Magic Cauldron
Golden Counter4,350G8,700G+22+31Magic Cauldron
Hero Shield4,800G9,600G+26+34Magic Cauldron

Helms fall into the Armor 2 category, and focus more on HP compared to DEFENSE. Helms are more suited to weaker residents with lower HP, as the boost to HP can greatly increase their survival rate against stronger enemies.
Note that Shields also fall into the Armor 2 category, so a helm and shield cannot be simultaneously equipped by a resident.
NameShop PricePresent PriceHPDEFENSEUnlock Condition
Bandana240G480G+1+1Village Outskirts
Leather Cap320G640G+2+1Initially Available
Old Helm400G800G+3+2Village Outskirts
Sea Bandana600G1,200G+4+2Village Outskirts
Bronze Helm700G1,400G+6+4Village Outskirts
Golden Circlet800G1,600G+7+4Village Outskirts
Monk Hat900G1,800G+9+3Village Outskirts
Magic Hat1,200G2,400G+9+5Magic Cauldron
Desert Bandana1,700G3,400G+12+7Village Outskirts
Viking Hood1,800G3,600G+12+8Village Outskirts
Knight Helm2,000G4,000G+15+10Village Outskirts
Silver Helm2,800G5,600G+18+12Village Outskirts
Lucky Circlet3,200G6,400G+22+11Magic Cauldron
Priest Hat3,600G7,200G+26+10Village Outskirts
Battle Hood3,700G7,400G+24+16Village Outskirts
Golden Helm3,900G7,800G+26+17Village Outskirts
Cursed Hat4,000G8,000G+27+14Magic Cauldron
Ultra Gold Helm4,200G8,400G+26+17Village Outskirts
Hero Crown4,400G8,800G+34+20Magic Cauldron

Accessories are what your residents use to give additional HP and DEFENSE alongside their armor. Accessories add little to the stats of a resident, but by the latter stages of the game, every bit of HP and DEFENSE add up. This should be the last piece of equipment that you upgrade on your residents, as it adds the lowest overall stats.
NameShop PricePresent PriceHPDEFENSEUnlock Condition
Normal Pendant400G800G+1+1Initially Available
Dewdrop Pendant550G1,100G+3+1Magic Cauldron
Bronze Ring650G1,300G+4+1Village Outskirts
Old Armlet700G1,400G+1+3Village Outskirts
Raven Charm800G1,600G+6+1Village Outskirts
Leather Gloves800G1,600G+2+3Initially Available
Forest Earrings1,100G2,200G+3+3Village Outskirts
Silver Fauld1,200G2,400G+1+5Village Outskirts
Silver Ring1,200G2,400G+6+2Village Outskirts
Heart Pendant1,200G2,400G+6+2John/Jane Adventure Moves In
Red Gloves1,300G2,600G+2+5Village Outskirts
Atomic Gloves1,600G3,200G+3+8Village Outskirts
Knight Armlet1,600G3,200G+2+6Village Outskirts
Lightning Pendant1,800G3,600G+7+2Magic Cauldron
Golden Ring2,000G4,000G+8+3Village Outskirts
Ancient Earrings2,000G4,000G+4+5Gilly Gamesh Moves In
Winged Charm2,100G4,200G+9+1Village Outskirts
Golden Earrings2,400G4,800G+6+6Village Outskirts
Snow Pendant2,400G4,800G+10+3Magic Cauldron
Lucky Pendant2,500G5,000G+11+3Village Outskirts
Gold Fauld2,800G5,600G+2+13Village Outskirts
Fire Pendant3,200G6,400G+13+7Magic Cauldron
Hero Armlet3,300G6,600G+8+9Magic Cauldron
Holy Armlet4,000G8,000G+10+10Village Outskirts
Kairo Medal5,550G11,100G+11+11Village Outskirts
Amethyst Ring6,000G12,000G+6+7Village Outskirts
Sapphire Ring10,000G20,000G+8+9Voldy Moore Moves In

{ 2 comments ... read them below or Comment }

  1. Why is Kairo Medal cheaper and has better Stats than the both over this Item?
    Is the any reason to buy one off the rings?

    Kairo Medal 5,550G 11,100G +11 +11 Village Outskirts
    Amethyst Ring 6,000G 12,000G +6 +7 Village Outskirts
    Sapphire Ring 10,000G 20,000G +8 +9 Voldy Moore Moves In

    1. No, nothing specially.
      I believe that they want players using their product :p


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